Legal Register
Updated on August 17, 2024

List of Legal Register #

Business Related Law #

  1. MPOB Act 1998 & its regulation
  2. Local Government Act 1976
  3. Electricity Supply Act 1990

Social, Right & Livelihood Related Law #

  1. Employment Act 1955
  2. Employment (Amendment) Act 2022
  3. Employment Social Security Act 1969
  4. Workers’ Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities Act 1990
  5. Passport Act 1966

Safety & Health Related Law #

  1. OSHA 1994 & its regulations
  2. OSH (Amendment) Act 2022
  3. Factory and Machinery (Repeal) Act 2022
  4. Fire Service Act 1988 & its regulations
  5. Uniform Building By-Laws 1984
  6. Pesticides Act 1974 & its regulations
  7. Road Transport Act 1987
  8. Poisons Act 1952
  9. Radiation Protection (Licensing) Regulations 1986

Environmental & Biodiversity Related Law #

  1. EQA 1974 & its regulations
  2. EQ (Amendment) Act 2012
  3. Water Services Industry Act 2006
  4. Street, Drainage & Building Act 1974
  5. Water Act 1920
  6. Wildlife Conservation Act 2010
  7. Radiation Protection (Licensing) Regulations 1986

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