Ergonomic Assessment

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e-HIRARC is a tool developed to assist safety practitioner in assessing the hazard at their workplace through combination of severity and likelihood to determine the risk level. Then, prioritization of risk to be placed in order to minimize the potential unneeded incident that may occurred.

It is really a powerful medium for identification, determination and make a decision for continuous improvement in OSH within minimum time to be spent but proven to be efficient and effective.

Risk assessment is the process where you Identify hazards, analyse or evaluate the risk associated with that hazard and finally determine appropriate ways to eliminate or control the hazard.

Commonly, it addressed as HIRARC. E-HIRARC has been designed as an interactive tool for assisting practitioner to feed their need in assessment and control risks in the workplace and complying with health and safety requirement.

This tool is developed to assist safety practitioner in assessing the hazard at their workplace through combination of severity and likelihood to determine the risk level. Then, prioritization of risk to be placed in order to minimize the potential unneeded incident that may occurred.

It is really a powerful medium for identification, determination and make a decision for continuous improvement in OSH within minimum time to be spent but proven to be efficient and effective.

Use of e-HIRARC template, the workplace assessor will able to capture more inputs of hazard source. E.g. work environment, energy, mechanical, ergonomic, chemical, biological, environment, animal/insects, major disaster and radiation. Wider input of hazards may benefit for user to analyse comprehensively.

  • HIRARC Template in MS Excel format
  • HAZID Table
  • User Manual
  • Download Sample 
  • Download Training Outline
  • Youtube Link 

A Dynamic Tool for Practitioner

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