Essential OSH Competency and Compliance: Key Roles, Legal Requirements, and PPE Standards
Updated on February 20, 2025

Essential OSH Competency and Compliance: Key Roles, Legal Requirements, and PPE Standards #

1. Competent Person #

2. Specific requirements by law related to training #

  1. Safety and Health Committee Member
  2. OSH Training (Section 18A(3)(c) of OSHA 1994)
  3. Hazardous Chemical Handler
  4. Scheduled Waste Handler
  5. Employees exposed to excessive noise
  6. Employees handled the highly toxic pesticides
  7. First Aider
  8. Fire Safety Manager & Fire Safety Team – Fire Safety & Emergency
  9. Fire Drill Training
  10. Radiation Protection Officer
  11. Radiation Protection & Safety General Training

3. Personal Protective Equipment required for DOSH-SIRIM approval Info #

Information about legislation requires to wear PPE
Information of DOSH SIRIM PPE approval

RegulationsType of PPE
Lead Regulations 1984, Reg 21(3)Respiratory (air-purifying respirator)
BOWEC Regulations 1986, Reg 15Head (helmet), Body (safety harness)
Asbestos Process Regulations 1986, Reg 9(1)(b)Respiratory (air-purifying respirator)
Mineral Dust Regulations 1989, Reg 18(1)(b)Respiratory (air purifying respirator)
USECHH Regulations 2000, Reg 16(1)– Head (helmet, face shield),
– Face/eyes (face shield, goggles, safety spectacle),
– Respiratory (air purifying respirator),
– Body (hazardous chemical suit, apron, long sleeve shirt), Hand (chemical resistance gloves),
– Foot (safety footwear)

As recommended by a competent person
Noise Exposure Regulations 2019, Personal Hearing Protector Reg 7(1)(d)Ear (earplug & earmuff)
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