Principles of ISO 14064 Standards
Updated on October 12, 2024

Principles of ISO 14064 Standards #

Relevance: #

Select the GHG sources, GHG sinks, GHG reservoirs (GHG SSRs), data and methodologies appropriate to the needs of the intended user

Completeness: #

Include all relevant GHG emissions, removals. Include all relevant information to support criteria and procedures

Consistency: #

Enable meaningful comparisons in GHG-related information

Accuracy: #

Reduce bias and uncertainties as far as is practical

Transparency: #

Disclose sufficient and appropriate GHG-related information to allow Select the GHG sources, GHG sinks, GHG reservoirs (GHG SSRs), data, and methodologies appropriate to the needs of the intended users

to make decisions with reasonable confidence

Conservativeness: #

Use conservative assumptions, values, and procedures to ensure that GHG emission reductions or removal enhancements are not over-estimated

Fair presentation: #

Ensure the verification/validation activities, findings, conclusions, and opinions are truthfully and fairly presented. Report significant obstacles encountered during the process, as well as unresolved, diverging opinions among Verifiers or Validators, to the responsible party and the client

Evidence-based approach: #

Ensure the verification/validation engagement employs a rational method for reaching reliable and reproducible verification/validation conclusions and is based on sufficient and appropriate evidence

Impartiality: #

Design and execute the verification/validation engagement so that it is objective and does not introduce bias

Documentation: #

Document the verification/validation and ensure it establishes the basis for the conclusion and conformity with the criteria

Conservativeness: #

When assessing comparable alternatives, use a cautiously moderate selection

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